domingo, 11 de octubre de 2009

Confoederatio Helvetica

Gracias HAL, gracias 'Customer', Gracias condición humana.

Habitación 305, Hotel Euler, Centralbahnplatz 14, Basel, Schweiss, Europe, Tierra, Sol, Brazo de Orion, Vía Lactea.... etc, etc, etc

Trabajo, turismo, cerveza... eso resume el viaje.

Llegué el sábado después de casi 20 horas de viaje, tuve que correr por toda la terminal 5 del aeropuerto de Heathrow, casi pierdo el vuelo. Llegué a Basel, almorcé, me fui a dormir. Salí a cenar, me fui a dormir. El domingo fuí a caminar por la ciudad, es una hermosa ciudad, con siglos de historia, cultura y tradición.

Durante la semana fuimos a trabajar todos los días, el viernes solo medio día (la mayoría de la gente hizo hw).

En la superficie es una sociedad muy ordenada, organizada, respetuosa. La ciudad es limpia, el transporte funciona bien, el tránsito es ordenado, el mobiliario urbano es de excelente calidad, y está en excelente estado.

Qué hay más atrás? qué hay en el fondo? Hay rebeldía? hay varios grafitties por ahí, eso significa algo? Mucha gente fuma, eso significa algo?

Podría vivir en este lugar... quizás...

Riding through the city on my bike all day
Cause the filth took away my license
It doesn't get me down and I feel OK
Cause the sights that I'm seeing are priceless

Everything seems to look as it should
But I wonder what goes on behind doors
A fella looking dapper, but he's sitting with a slapper
Then I see it's a pimp and his crack whore

You might laugh you might frown
Walkin' round London town

Sun is in the sky oh why oh why ?
Would I wanna be anywhere else
Sun is in the sky oh why oh why ?
Would I wanna be anywhere else

When you look with your eyes
Everything seems nice
But if you look twice
you can see it's all lies

There was a little old lady, who was walking down the road
She was struggling with bags from Tesco
There were people from the city having lunch in the park
I believe that it's called al fresco
Then a kid came along to offer a hand

But before she had time to accept it
hits her over the head, doesn't care if she's dead
Cause he's got all her jewelery and wallet

You might laugh you might frown
walking round London town

Sun is in the sky oh why oh why?
Would I wanna be anywhere else
Sun is in the sky oh why oh why?
Would I wanna be anywhere else

When you look with your eyes
Everything seems nice
But if you look twice
you can see it's all lies

Life, yeah that's city life, yeah that's city life, yeah that's city life
Life, yeah that's city life, yeah that's city life, yeah that's city life

Sun is in the sky oh why oh why?
Would I wanna be anywhere else
Sun is in the sky oh why oh why?
Would I wanna be anywhere else

When you look with your eyes
Everything seems nice
But if you look twice
You can see it's all lies

Sun is in the sky oh why oh why?
Would I wanna be anywhere else
Sun is in the sky oh why oh why?
Would I wanna be anywhere else

When you look with your eyes
Everything seems nice
But if you look twice
You can see it's all lies

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